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North Carolina Arts Councils

Here’s a comprehensive list of all of North Carolina Arts Councils, categorized by county.

Click here for the official North Carolina Arts Council homepage

Alamance(336) 226-4495
Alexander(828) 632-6966
Alleghany(336) 209-0475
Ashe(336) 846-2787
Beaufort(252) 946-2504
Brunswick(910) 448-1016
Buncombe(828) 258-0710
Burke(828) 433-7282
Cabarrus(704) 920-7287
Caldwell(828) 754-2486
Carteret(252) 726-9156
Caswell(336) 694-4591
Catawba(828) 324-4906
Chatham(919) 542-0394
Cherokee(828) 835-0550
Chowan(252) 482-8005
Clay(828) 389-0129
Cleveland(704) 484-2787
Columbus(910) 640-2787
Craven(252) 638-2577
Cumberland(910) 323-1776
Dare(252) 473-5558
Davidson(336) 780-9005
Durham(919) 560-2709
Forsyth(336) 747-1410
Franklin(919) 497-6910
Gaston(704) 853-2787
Graham(828) 479-3364
Guilford(336) 279-7080
Guilford (High Point)(336) 889-2787
Haywood(828) 452-0593
Henderson(828) 693-8504
Iredell(704) 873-6100
Jackson(828) 507-9820
Johnson(919) 938-0306
Jones(252) 670-7093
Lee(919) 774-6139
Lenoir(252) 527-2517
Lincoln(704) 732-9044
Madison(828) 649-1301
Martin(252) 789-8470
McDowell(828) 652-8610
Mecklenberg(704) 335-3034
Mitchell & Yancy(828) 682-7215
Montgomery(910) 428-9001
Moore(910) 692-2787
Nash(252) 459-4734
New Hanover(910) 343-0998
Onslow(910) 455-9840
Orange(919) 245-2335
Pamlico(252) 671-4643
Pasqoutank(252) 338-6455
Perquimans(252) 426-3041
Person(336) 597-1709
Pitt(252) 551-6947
Polk(828) 859-8322
Randolph(336) 629-0399
Robeson(910) 739-5645
Rockingham(336) 349-4039
Rowan(704) 638-3100
Sampson(910) 596-2533
Scotland(910) 277-3599
Stanly(704) 982-8118
Stokes(336) 593-8159
Surrey(336) 786-7998
Surrey (Foothills Arts Center)(336) 835-2025
Swain(828) 488-3129
Translyvania(828) 884-2787
Tyrell(252) 796-2787
Union(704) 283-2784
Vance(252) 767-4579
Wake(919) 839-1498
Watauga(828) 264-1789
Wayne(919) 736-3300
Wilkes(336) 667-2841
Wilson(252) 291-4329
Yadkin(336) 679-2941

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