close up of hand holding pencil over white background

Your Creative Community

photo of an artist designing on graphic tablet while using laptop

Who You Are

You love the creative process.  Whether or not you label yourself an “artist” or “creative”, the bottom line is: you like to make things. You get lost in your craft, can’t get enough of the culture around it, and can’t wait to talk about it with the next person that will listen. But time is slim, resources are rare, and “everybody’s trying to be an artist.”

You’re looking for quality content on how to get your ideas out and feel good about what you make.

Who We Are

crEATe Magazine is a digital magazine designed, written, and published by creatives who are passionate about new ideas and the creative process.  Our contributing creatives offer tips, tricks, and resources from their respective fields, while also providing inspiration for creatives from different crafts.

Regardless of who you are or what you do, we know you’re capable of bringing your ideas to life – and we want to see them!

retro cameras on wooden surface
person holding hands

Who We Are Together

We’re a community of creatives that share our experiences, resources, and work with one another.
This is not just a magazine for you to read. We’re your creative friends urging you to go make something.
We care about your holistic health, and that includes your creative health.
So when we see each other out in the world – let’s take a moment to ask one another:

What did you crEATe today?

create magazine founder miles mckeller-smith

Meet Our Founder

Miles McKeller-Smith

Miles is an accomplished filmmaker, musician, and elementary visual arts teacher.  Graduating from Wake Forest University, he honed his musical skills by performing in the pit for various university musicals and producing music for local artists. An MFA graduate from the School of Filmmaking at UNC School of the Arts, Miles started the crEATe brand within the collaborative atmosphere of UNCSA’s creative community.  The life long-lessons, experiences, and friendships formed from the arts inspired him to start crEATe Magazine.

Lets Connect

create magazine issue 1 cyanca

Since you Made It This Far…

the First Issue
for Free

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